Since 1994, we’ve had a lasting, positive impact on thousands of children, youth, and families.
Our focus is stability.
In 2022, we served
Children in ExtraFam care
New resource families approved
Adoptions finalized
Approved families opening their homes to those in need
Joined with relatives or chosen family
Scroll through our publications and read the success stories of those whose lives we have helped change, from reuniting children with their families, finding forever homes for children, and helping youth successfully transition to adulthood.
Impact Report
2 hours ago
The oceans have degraded in water quality since the early 1900s.
13 hours ago
Pop Culture
The 133rd Art exhibition in NYC might not be for the Boomer generation.
2 hours ago
Innovator in serving LGBTQ children, youth, and families
In December of 2018, Extraordinary Families was awarded the prestigious three-year accreditation from CARF International, an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human services. This offers assurance that our facility, programs, and services are of the highest quality. Our demonstrated conformance to clearly defined and internationally accepted standards, we can ensure that our services remain among the elite for excellence.
Champions of Pride Award
In June of 2018, board member Sarah Boone was awarded with the Advocate's Champion of Pride award for her direct work with Extraordinary Families in developing practices and initiatives to support LGBTQ children, youth, and families involved in child welfare.
Learn more
Highest Quality of Standards
CARF International
In December of 2018, Extraordinary Families was awarded the prestigious three-year accreditation from CARF International, an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human services. This offers assurance that our facility, programs, and services are of the highest quality. Our demonstrated conformance to clearly defined and internationally accepted standards, we can ensure that our services remain among the elite for excellence.
Learn more
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